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Podcast Services Customized to Fit Your Needs.

 If you’re tired of spending your VALUABLE time on podcast  production and want to focus on creating great content and developing your brand, then we’re glad you found us. Our services are professional, reliable and custom fit to your needs.

Watch this video to see what we do:

Check out our Services page for Pricing and Service Options.

Podcasters LOVE what we do - watch these client videos

Andrew - podast editing service client (3)Gabe - podcast production service client (4)Roger - podcast production service client (4)

What our Clients Say About Us

The PFT team is the real deal. If you need someone to help you with your podcast, look no further.

Mark Raffan

Host of Negotiations Ninja

Carey and the PFT team are outstanding to work with. They are fast, reliable, and very responsive to any concerns or questions I have. I’ve been working with them for years and they have never once missed a deadline. I always recommend Podcast Fast Track to other podcasters. They’re fantastic!

Antrese Wood

Host of Savvy Painter

Everyone is wonderful to work with. Their tips have helped improve my show and they will move the moon to make sure the show gets put together even when I’ve messed up a file. The Podcast Fast Track team DEFINITELY looks out for their clients!
Stacey Higginbotham

Host of The Internet of Things

Podcast Fast Track have become an invaluable partner in the production of the Sales Reinvented Podcast, taking care of the production, editing and uploading of our episodes to the creation of the high-quality shownotes, episode guides and social media marketing we use to promote them as well.  I highly recommend the PFT Team, Jennifer in particular is a superstar!

Paul Watts, CSL CSE CPSC

Host of Sales Reinvented

Podcast Fast Track was the first hire I made as an indie podcaster and I am SO thankful I did all those years ago! Offloading my editing needs created space for me to maintain my creativity as the host. I’ve worked with Carey and his wonderful team of editors and copywriters on multiple podcasts and have loved my experience. They are positive, helpful and always there for the random snaffus that are bound to pop up for one man/woman podcasters.

Maria Failla

Host of Growing Joy

The PFT team has been great to work with! They make recording a podcast significantly easier because the only things we have to worry about is creating the content and recording it. Then, their team does the rest. For anyone interested in recording a podcast, I’d highly recommend leveraging their expertise, so you can focus on your value add which is the content/recording of the podcast.

Andrew Musbauch, MBA, CFA, CFPÂŽ

Co-Host of The Physician's Guide to Financial Wellness

Carey and the PFT team are extremely reliable, thorough and effective at delivering high quality podcast production. Time and time again, they have come through for me on my Modern Marketing Engine podcast. Carey’s self proclaimed title “Client Happiness Guy” is spot on. That’s exactly what he delivers to clients.

Bernie Borges

Host of Modern Marketing Engine

The Podcast Fast Track team are extremely professional and creative in the way they serve us. They have provided great ideas and their editing and show notes are very well done. Everything happens on time, and the quality is excellent. You won’t be sorry that you engaged Carey and the entire team at PFT!

Mike Henry Sr.

Host of Follower of One

ARE YOU OUR IDEAL CLIENT? (click to expand)

If you don’t feel that EVERYTHING below describes you, it doesn’t mean that we can’t help you. But a majority of the following ring true in our most successful client engagements.

Our best-fit clients for the BASIC PACKAGE…

⭐️ Are just getting started podcasting or haven’t been podcasting long.

⭐️ Are budget conscious.

⭐️ Are looking to free themselves up from the hassle of editing and repurposing as much as funds allow.

⭐️ Are looking for a trustworthy service of committed and experienced people.

⭐️ Are prepared to commit the time and attention of their leadership and teams to making their podcast efforts fruitful.

Our best-fit clients for the PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE…

⭐️ Are typically successful in their business or area of expertise already and are looking to expand their reach and ability to serve their clientele or audience.

⭐️ Are comprised of individuals who collectively possess deep expertise in their lines of business.

⭐️ Are looking to establish a relationship with a professional podcast production team, not merely engage in a transactions.

⭐️ Care deeply about their brand, message. and audience and are looking for a production company that will take great care with their message, too.

⭐️ Don’t face geographic constraints to where they can grow their businesses (conduct business nationally or beyond, rather than locally or regionally).

⭐️ Are interested in long-term strategy (not quick, cheap fixes) for growing their content marketing and audience growth efforts through podcasting.

⭐️ Are ready and willing to invest in strategy before implementation (investigation of the problem and diagnosis of the solution before execution of the tactics).

⭐️ Are prepared to commit the time and attention of their leadership and teams to making their podcast efforts fruitful.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Podcast Services

What if I've never done a podcast before? Where should I start?

We LOVE working with new podcasters. Your enthusiasm and starry-eyed excitement keep us going!

But you’re smart enough to know that you don’t know what you’re doing – right?

And it’s likely not the best use of your time to watch YouTube video after YouTube Video to figure it out on your own.

That’s why we have two options for you…

#1 – Our “How To Podcast Step By Step Course” (for those of you who like to get your hands dirty but want someone who’s been there to tell you what you need to know).

#2 – Our One on One Podcast Training (for those who want a guide very step of the way)

Until you complete one of those options, or get some experience under your belt some other way – we’re not able to help with your podcast production services.

So we suggest you find out more about both of those options so we can get you started right away!

So tell me how the podcast editing service works...

Our podcast editing service is about more than removing “umms” and “uhhhs.”

It’s about making the incredible content you’re recording even better.

We do that by focusing on two things.

#1 – Comprehension. We want to do everything we can to make what you’re saying, understood. That means technically (removing background noise, glitches, etc.) and, we work with the very words said in your audio to make them better understood (removing or modifying things that are distracting or unneeded).

#2 – Enjoyment & Enrichment. You’re doing your podcast to help people, right? We want to make the listening experience so smooth and easy, your listeners have no trouble getting what you’re trying to communicate.

We can’t give you that kind of quality by outsourcing the audio work to places that will do it for the lowest cost. We have to keep it in-house, with our own professional team of audio editors who not only know their craft and their software at expert levels, but who also go through OUR specific training to ensure they are editing according to those two criteria.

Our editors are among the best in the world. And it’s not bragging if it’s true.

Now THAT is a professional podcast production service like you deserve.

🙂 Find out more about our incredible audio editing services.

How long of a commitment do you require?

Uhhh… none.

We do sign a service agreement with clients just so we all understand what podcast production services we’ll be doing for you – but there’s no term clients are locked into.

With a two-week notice either we or you can cancel services at any time for any reason.

Would I have an assigned member of your team, or just whoever is available?

You get your own personal editor or writer.

In fact, we HATE it that some podcasting services bounce their clients from team member to team member in order to cut costs.

Where’s the world-class service in that?

After a 2-ish week period just after our clients come onboard, we hand-select the team member we feel best suits your needs as a client, then we make a personal introduction so you know exactly who is working on your podcast production week to week.

You’ll be able to connect with that person anytime you want – work out details – refine things as you go – even change stuff as you like.

Our team of professionals can handle it. Guaranteed.

Can you help me promote my show?

Yes. Yes we can. Sort of… 😉

You’re about to learn THE formula for a successful podcast… ready?

Great content + Consistency + Time = Success

The consistency piece is where promotional efforts come in. You want to be letting people KNOW ABOUT your great content or else… well, they won’t know about it. 😉

We have a handful of monthly subscription services aimed at helping your podcast get the attention it needs in order to help the people you’re trying to help.

Currently, here’s the main thing we do to help get your show noticed…

And coming soon…

  • Motion Clips for Social Media (They are called “Audiograms” – you’ve seen them… find out how you can get them for your episodes)
  • Podcast consulting (get professional feedback to incrementally improve what you’re already doing well)
  • Podcast Launch Strategy (how to make the most of your podcast’s debut. No guarantees, because effectiveness depends on your efforts – but you’ll have the tools you need to make it happen)
Show notes too, huh? What makes yours so special?

Show notes are a pain. We know. But they are an extremely vital part of your podcast production.

Sure, you don’t have to have show notes in order to publish a good quality podcast. But show notes do some amazing things for you that honestly, most podcasters don’t give enough thought to.

#1 – Show notes serve your listeners as a great resource (think: episode descriptions on the podcast player they are able to access immediately)

#2 – Show notes work WITH the way the internet works – present-day, content is found primarily through text. So you need to have relevant, interesting, appealing text on a page somewhere in order to have a CHANCE at getting your posts found.

#3 – Show notes are an EXCELLENT way to show potential guests how you feature them!


Find out more about the benefits of great show notes.

How quickly do you turn around work for your clients?

That’s a smart question. And the answer is: IT DEPENDS. 😉


If you are one of our great “audio editing only” clients, or one of our “show notes only” clients, the turnaround time is 72hours – from the time we receive your content to the time you can expect it to be scheduled or provided to you.

If you are what we refer to as a COMBO client (doing both audio production and show notes with us) then your turn around time is 96 hours – from the time we receive your content to the time you can expect it to be scheduled or provided to you.

And you need to know this too:

Those time frames DO NOT include weekends (we never ask our team to work over the weekend).

And one more thing – if you add additional services to any of those services (episode images, promotional motion videos, lead magnets, etc.) then you can expect a tad more time will be required.

How does the workflow work?

Systems, systems, systems! We LOVE systems!

That’s how we ensure we can give you quality podcast production services every single episode.

All of our services hinge on the efficient use of Dropbox and Google Docs – primarily.

Clients will need accounts with both of those service providers – and the free accounts they offer may be enough.

In a nutshell, here’s what happens…

  1. You hit the “stop” button on your recording
  2. You provide us your resources
  3. Our audio editor gets the audio portion done (if applicable)
  4. Our show notes writer goes into creation mode (if applicable)
  5. Your resources are scheduled where and how you want them
  6. We do it all again for the next episode

We’ve thought it through and figured it out, and experience it running smoothly for clients week after week, episode after episode.

We are NOT one of those “figure it out as we go” podcast production services.

We’ve got this thing wired so you don’t have any reason to worry.

I'm ready to hire you for my podcast production. What are the next steps?

If you’re an experienced podcaster already…

  • Check out our “Why” page
  • Decide if we’re a good company for you to work with for your podcast production
  • Set up a time to chat so we can get to know you and you can get to know us (and we’ll give you a precise quote for your show)
Podcast Fast Track - Audio Editing, Podcast Show Notes, Video Editing, and other Podcast Production Services