Okay, so I recorded this episode driving in my pickup truck on the way to Denver. And the issue I’m going to cover was so much on my mind, I decided it was worth recording with substandard audio… on the go… which is kind of ironic considering what I’m going to...
There are lots of high-dollar audio engineering programs out there these days. Lots more than when I was starting college, that’s for sure. I wanted to go into audio engineering but “back in the day” the only way it seemed possible was to learn on the road, touring...
As you can tell, I am a huge fan of great audio recording solutions… and there are more and more apps coming out that are so helpful in getting those long distance recordings down with almost flawless sound quality. Technology marches on. This episode covers yet...
A bad recording space can ruin your podcast audio. Yes, I said, “ruin” it. What makes a room a bad place to record? There are many things but here’s a list of the TOP 3 room issues, that I’m going to help you address in this episode: A large...
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