Our Podcasting Podcast - Podcastification!
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You've probably discovered by now that episode 162 has a major audio glitch.Delete the episode...
162: The Top 11 Distance Recording Options – Side By Side Comparison – 2022
Remote recording for interviews and the like has always been a bit tricky and the platforms that...
A newsletter for Indie Podcasters (finally)
I have LONG wanted a Podcast Newsletter that provides content for me — an INDEPENDENT PODCASTER.I...
161: How Daniel J. Lewis built authority from scratch, monetized his podcasting, and makes a life, not just a living
Daniel J. Lewis has been building authority in the podcasting space since 2010.That’s when the...
160: How two friends grew the Bourbon Pursuit podcast to multiple six-figure income and started their own brand of bourbon, with Kenny Coleman
How successful can a niche podcast be?The answer likely depends on the niche. For example, back on...
159: Discover 10 to 15 immediately usable podcast topics in just 30 minutes: The 10-10-10 method
Do you EVER have issues coming up with new topics to cover on your podcast?If not, it’s only a...
158: How Scott Johnson uses his head to create ongoing audience growth
Every podcaster is looking for ways to grow her audience. Why? Hopefully, it's for reasons bigger...
157: Podcast Show Notes Best Practices and Strategy
For the first time ever, podcast show notes display almost the SAME in all podcasting apps (thanks...
156: How to monetize a hobby with Maria Failla
If you feel you don't know enough about the topics you want to podcast about, you are in good...
155: Subscribe Is Gone (Apple only, so far)
Subscribe Is Gone (on Apple only, so far)Podcast tech is changing all the time, so we shouldn't be...
154: Sponsorships for Niche Podcasts, with Glenn Hebert
Glenn Hebert... is one of those guys who saw the value and power of podcasting early on. His...
153: How to Uncover Monetization Opportunities, Grab Them First, and Make the Most of Them Long-Term, with Andrew Allemann
Can you see the opportunities that exist in your niche?If so, you'll gain further insight from...
152: Niche power, Professional Help, And Paying The Price, with Mark Goldman
Podcasting success comes in all shapes and sizes... and in any niche area you can think of.This...
151: Monetize Your Podcast in 100s of Ways, with Dave Jackson
It's not every day you get to have a "Podcast Hall of Fame" inductee on your podcast. But it's fun...
150: Marketing Your Podcast And Growing Your Audience the RIGHT WAY, with Jeremy Enns
Get Into Jeremy's Podcast Marketing Course ASAP before it fills up! (Affiliate link)No doubt,...
149: The NEW Way to Monetize Your Podcast, with Jason Sew Hoy of Supercast
Podcast monetization may be in your future. Even if you have a relatively small show. Really.How...
148: Niche Domination Formula Step 5: Saturation
Watering My Wife's PlantsShe asked me to SATURATE some of them... what does that mean? It means...
147: Niche Domination STEP 4: Consistency
Before we get into STEP 4 can I remind you that these steps will do no good unless you dedicate...
146: Step Three: Originality & Appeal: The Podcast Niche Domination Formula
https://podcastfasttrack.com/I hope you're putting these steps into action...I know you're busy. I...
145: Quality & Helpfulness: Phase 2 of the Podcast Niche Domination Formula
https://podcastfasttrack.com/AFFILIATE offer for this episode: CAPTIVATEOK, you're working that...
144: Notice & Awareness – Phase 1 of The Podcast Niche Domination Formula
https://podcastfasttrack.com/AFFILIATE OFFER MENTIONED: CAPTIVATE - get your free trial!If your...
143: The Podcast Niche Domination Formula
https://podcastfasttrack.com/There is a specific group of people you want to reach... people who...
142: Trust is the lock and value is the key
https://podcastfasttrack.com/How are you going to build the kind of engagement with your...
141: Why you should NOT compare yourself or your podcast to Joe Rogan
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Let's talk a bit about Joe Rogan...Joe is an American comedian,...
140: How to gain huge compound interest-like benefits from your podcast
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You’ll benefit from listening to this episode if you...You want to...
139: Make Bank: Invite Your Ideal Customer To A Podcast Interview
https://podcastfasttrack.com/One of the most common things you'll hear podcasters ask is "How can...
138: How To Record An Interview Podcast In High Quality Audio: Squadcast
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Get your free 7 day trial of Squadcast at https://Squadcast.fm OR if...
137: The World’s FIRST Growth Focused Podcast Hosting Company?
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Reasons this episode is for you...[2:40] How Mark Asquith’s blonde...
136: Jessica Kupferman: Helping Women Podcasters Everywhere
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You’ll benefit from listening to this episode if you...>> Feel...
135: The Best Monetization Strategy: Niche Podcasting, with Ashley Hodge
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You’ll benefit from listening to this episode if you...>>...
134: The Story Behind The Story Behind, with Emily Prokop
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You’ll benefit from listening to this episode if you...>> Are...
133: How Scott Voelker Uses His Amazon FBA Podcast To Serve And Succeed
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Scott Voelker produces an Amazon FBA Podcast — and for many of you,...
128 : The Future of Podcasting – And What Indie Podcasters Should Do About It
https://podcastfasttrack.com/I have no crystal ball - but I work with enough podcasters week in...
127: PS-Darla Powell – 1 Podcast, 2 Businesses, Endless Possibilities
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Contact: www.PodcastFastTrack.com/contact Every podcast success...
125: How to use Audio Equalization (EQ) to make your podcast sound better
https://podcastfasttrack.com/So... I'm scrambling to get things done, produce this podcast, and...
124: PS: Side Hustling His Way To Podcasting Success: Nick Loper
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Successful people never get there overnight. Nick's story is no...
123: Podcast Social Media Best-Practices with Elsie Escobar
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Connect with me…Carey(AT)PodcastFastTrack.comOn FacebookOn...
122: Podcast Directories 2018-2019 – Get Submitted
https://podcastfasttrack.com/This episode has a TON of links and practical resources - too many to...
121: iTunes Problems: The Ones You Know About And The Ones You Don’t
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Have you noticed? iTunes has been having problems lately.It’s not...
120: Sound Treatment Hacks For Any Room – A Step By Step Demonstration
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Effective sound treatment doesn’t have to be pricey.You can do it...
119: Tell Better Stories To Create A Better Podcast And Increase Engagement, with Jonathan Messinger
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Tell Better Stories? Really?But Carey - I publish a business oriented...
118: Podcast SEO – How To Rank Your Show Notes Pages On Google
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Too often we podcasters are guilty of shouting into the crowd that...
117: Build Community Around Your Podcast, with Bella Vasta
https://podcastfasttrack.com/It’s not just a good idea to build community around your podcast -...
116: How To Use Google Podcasts: A Step By Step Review
https://podcastfasttrack.com/For a VERY long time Android users have not had a native podcasting...
115: How to know your audience, find them, and speak to them effectively – Tommy Walker
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Every podcaster on the planet wants a bigger audience. Unquestioned....
114: You Just May Go Viral By Repurposing Your Podcast
https://podcastfasttrack.com/We’ve seen things go viral - a stupid ice cream pooping unicorn and...
113: Want A Podcast Sponsorship? Here’s How You Might Get One
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You hear the term “monetization” all the time in reference to...
112: For Better Podcast Interviews Apply These Question-Asking Hacks
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You know - it really seems that for the average podcaster, interviews...
111: How to Use Zoom For Podcasting – Audio Settings, Split Tracks, And More, with Derek Pando
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Grab a pen and paper and take notes on this one.If you use ZOOM or...
110: Podcast Listeners Will Stop Listening To Your Show Unless You Fix This
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Okay, so I recorded this episode driving in my pickup truck on the...
109: How To Get Noticed In The EVER NOISER World Of Podcasting
https://podcastfasttrack.com/In case you haven't noticed - all of the directories, whether it be...
108: The Android Podcast App We’ve All Been Waiting For. Sort of.
https://podcastfasttrack.com/All right. Alright.In the world of podcasting, as most of you know,...
107: Podcast Success Formula: Find A Need And Fill It, with Danny Sunshine Bauer
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Podcast Success is not accidental.It happens through deliberate...
106: Does GDPR Apply To Your Podcast? Maybe
https://podcastfasttrack.com/GDPR (the global data protection regulation) is now in effect. What...
105: One Podcast Conference To Rule Them All
https://podcastfasttrack.com/I’ve been to a handful of podcast conferences in my day - but there’s...
104: Podcast Production Workflow: How To Make It Happen Every Episode
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Welcome back to Podcastification - on this episode I’m walking you...
103: Virtual Services Make Perfect Sense For Podcasting – Take The Plunge, with Nathan Hirsch
https://podcastfasttrack.com/For as long as I’ve been playing around and working on the internet,...
102: Which Podcast Structure Works Best? Here’s the answer!
https://podcastfasttrack.com/“What’s the BEST structure for a podcast? I mean… one that really...
101: Audio Engineering Programs Have NOTHING On This Guy – Chris Curran
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Contact CareyThere are lots of high-dollar audio engineering programs...
100: Podcast Sponsorships: What Nobody Is Telling You
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Contact CareyPodcast sponsorships are a hot topic - because almost...
99: Put Your Audience First For Greater Podcast Success
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Contact CareyI’ve learned the hard way that the typical gimme, gimme,...
98: iTunes Podcast Rankings: The Metric That Says Next to Nothing
https://podcastfasttrack.com/There’s a lot of hoopla about iTunes podcast rankings: “We are the...
97: Will Cyborgs Listen To Podcasts? : My Podcasting Predictions – 2018
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Wanna hear my predictions about where the podcasting industry is...
96: 10 Benefits of Podcasts (Reasons People Listen)
https://podcastfasttrack.com/As a podcaster, you no doubt have thought about the benefits of...
95: Robots. Reading Audio Books. On Podcasts. Really. With Jim Kukral
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Jim Kukral is quick to say that his new service, Book2Pod is not a...
94: Alexa Podcasts Are A Thing. Here’s Why You Should Care
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Alexa podcast is a thing. Really, it is. We podcasters need to start...
93: Ignore This Audio Production Software At Your Own Risk
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Whenever we think about audio production software we typically think...
92: Podcasting Tips I Learned From NPR
https://podcastfasttrack.com/I figure, if I want to learn podcasting tips that can help my show...
91: RANT: You Could Be Killing Your Podcast Growth Curve
https://podcastfasttrack.com/3 Ways to NOT Kill Your Podcast Growth CurveWarning - warning -...
90: [[2018 UPDATE]] – Good Podcast Names Really Matter: A Case Study
https://podcastfasttrack.com/There are all kinds of crazy names people give to their podcasts in...
89: Podcast Intro Music Dos and Don’ts: A Legal Q&A with Gordon Firemark
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Questions about the proper use of podcast intro music and outro music...
88: How To Create A Pinterest Strategy To Promote Your Podcast, with Kathryn Moorhouse
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Pinterest itself has been a mystery to me for a very long long time,...
87: Effective Podcast Marketing & Content Creation Anyone Can Do, with Kyle Bondo
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Podcast marketing - getting your show noticed by the audience you’re...
86: DEMO: Mobile Recording for My Podcast Step By Step
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Mobile Recording can be hard to figure out, especially if you don’t...
85: How To Be An Effective PR Manager For Your Podcast and Brand, with Josh Elledge
https://podcastfasttrack.com/If I were to insist to you that you are your best PR manager, you...
84: Easy Wins for Your Podcast – OR – 8 Mistakes Podcasters Should Avoid
https://podcastfasttrack.com/There are quite a number of easy wins you can get to make your...
83: How To Get More Podcast Guests and Become One Yourself, with Andrew Alleman of Podcast Guests
https://podcastfasttrack.com/As a person involved in doing podcast production, it is fairly often...
82: Struggling to Make the Time for Podcasting? This Might Help
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Are you experiencing the struggle to make time for your podcast?You...
81: How to Record Interviews: 2017 Demo of The Best Options
https://podcastfasttrack.com/How to record interviews over a distance is one of the most...
80: Share Audio Files Beautifully on Social: Baird Hall Tells Us About Wavve
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Have you ever tried to share audio files on social media?Man, what a...
79: The 2017-2018 List of Podcast Directories Your Podcast MUST Be Listed In
https://podcastfasttrack.com/I thought it was about time I did something REALLY helpful and did...
78: Your Podcast Workflow: Optimize, Automate, and Outsource It, with Ari Meisel
https://podcastfasttrack.com/How much thought have you given to your podcast workflow...
77: Want to Monetize a Podcast? Here Are Your Options
https://podcastfasttrack.com/If I had a nickel for every time a client or potential client...
76: How to Use Long-Tail Keywords to Get Your Podcast Found
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Podcasters tend to love their gadgets -microphones (dynamic or...
75: How High Quality Backlinks Can Get You More Podcast Listeners
https://podcastfasttrack.com/If you are not familiar with the term “backlinks,” you’re about...
74: Podcast Promotion: A Deep Dive into Content Marketing for Podcasting
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Podcast promotion is a hot topic these days... but do you see it as a...
73: Updates to iTunes Tags: What Podcasters Need To Know
https://podcastfasttrack.com/OK, it’s July of 2017 and the powers that be over at Apple have...
72: I’m The Poster Child of Terrible Podcast Episodes… But You Knew That, Didn’t You?
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Talk about a TERRIBLE PODCAST EPISODE - episode 70 of this...
71: How YOU Can Be The Trusted Resource Your Listeners Are Looking For
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Are you podcasting as a content marketing move? You know, trying to...
70: Stop Worrying About Downloads and Make Great Podcasts, with Dave Jackson
https://podcastfasttrack.com/There are a lot of great podcasts - and none of them just happened or...
69: In Search of the Best Way to Record an Interview, with Mark Hills of Cleanfeed
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.comInterviews, interviews, interviews. I don’t know the stats but I...
68: Podcast Setup For Beginners. Seriously, Anyone Can Do This
https://podcastfasttrack.com/If you’ve ever wondered how technical and complicated it is to get a...
67: Grow Your Podcast Via Your Own Custom App, with Rob Walch
https://podcastfasttrack.com/You want to grow your podcast. I want to grow My podcast(s). There’s...
66: Podcast Production Tips, Mistakes, and Funny Client Stories, with Steve Stewart
https://podcastfasttrack.com/Podcast production gets easier as you do it more. Naturally, right?...
64: How to Stay Encouraged On Your Podcasting Journey, with Rob Greenlee
https://podcastfasttrack.com/ It is hard to stay encouraged in any pursuit in life - simply...
62: A Hack For Making Better Connections With Your Listeners
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com The better your connections with your listeners - the better...
61: The Art & Skill of Great Conversations With Your Podcast Guests
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com One of the reasons we do interviews at all is because we want...
60: How To Get Your Podcast Guest Ready For Your Show
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com In the last episode of Podcastification I gave you my best...
59: How to Get The Influencer In Your Niche To Be Your Podcast Guest
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com What is the best way to reach out to influencers and guests...
58: Podcast Statistics: What Matters, What Doesn’t, with Rob Walch of Libsyn
www.Podcastification.com Podcast statistics can be one of two things - incredibly...
57: How To Find And Book Qualified Podcast Guests
HTTP://WWW.PODCASTFASTTRACK.COM If you do an interview-based podcast you know the headache of...
56: How To Avoid Technical Glitches When You Record Interviews
Do you record interviews with guests for your podcast? Have you ever run into a situation where...
55: Use A Podcast Template To Cut Recording And Production Time
We all love our podcasts. But there are aspects of producing them that we HATE (or at least don’t...
54: Podcasting On The Go – Hacks to Record On The Road
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com It’s becoming more and more common that people need to figure...
53: How to Work Effectively With A Podcast Editor
If you are finally able and willing to take the plunge and hire a podcast editor to handle the...
52: Podcast Editing Services: How To Find The Right One
If you are at the point that you’re considering a podcast editing service, there are many things...
51: What are GOOD Podcast Download Numbers?
Every podcaster wants BIG podcast download numbers. I mean, we hear about amazing accomplishments...
50: Is A Podcast Editing Service Really Necessary? (To edit or not to edit)
If you haven’t noticed there are LOTS of podcast editing services popping up these days. And no...
49: Is this the best social media app for podcasters?
The best social media apps in the online space had better watch out. There’s a fairly new app on...
48: How to Make Your Podcast Stand Out From the Crowd
If you want to stand out from the crowd as a podcaster, you’re going to have to up your game. I...
47: Podcast Show Notes That Work!
If the enthusiasm for your podcast is lagging because you are getting stuck in the rut of podcast...
46: Building Relationships Through Attending Podcast Events
Building relationships with other podcasters is a very cool thing.I’ve experienced it online for a...
45: Does Your Podcast Have A Subscribe Button? Or two? Or three?
The all important SUBSCRIBE BUTTON.It’s one of the most overlooked things podcasters leave off of...
44: Do I Get More Podcast Subscribers by Sending Them to iTunes or My Website?
Podcast subscribers are important people to us podcasters.They are the ones who make the show...
43: Libsyn: A Deep Dive Into the Features of an Amazing Media Host, with Rob Walch
Libsyn has been around for a very long time…since 2004 to be exact - and has carved out it’s own...
42: Interview Valet: a Full Service Podcast Guest and Promotion Service
Interview Valet is a pretty cool service...Tom Schwab and company are working hard to help people...
41: Another perfect audio recording solution – with Tim Sinclair of Ringr
I'm talking today with Tim from Ringer.Ringr is one of the first apps available to do recordings...
40: Monetize your podcast with Pinecast
There are only so many ways you can MONETIZE your podcast...and my guest today is part of a team...
39: A new and simple way to get guests for your podcast (or to become a podcast guest)
If you do interview or conversation style podcast episodes, you know the pain and trouble that can...
37: Yet another incredible audio recording solution – with Josh from Zencastr
As you can tell, I am a huge fan of great audio recording solutions...and there are more and more...
36: Multiple podcasts at once: Is it a good idea? with Daniel J. Lewis of The Audacity To Podcast
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com/moreshowsIs it a good idea to publish more than one podcast show...
35: A podcast hosting made simple – SHOUTENGINE
Podcast Hosting is one of the basic things you need to get in place if you're going to start a...
33: Podfading: What I’ve learned working with over 20 clients
https://www.PodcastFastTrack.com/podfadingThe Podfading spectre is alive and well.I've done my...
32: Podcast music that is LEGAL for you to use!
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com/GetSomeMusicPodcast music is something that makes a show stand...
31: 1 thing you should ALWAYS mention on your podcast episodes
http://www.PodcastFastTrack.com/AlwaysDoThisToday I'm going to tell you to do something every...
30: Crafting GREAT Episode Titles
Episode Titles are a lot more important than many podcasters think...Most of us are done...
28: YET ANOTHER way to repurpose your old podcast audio
Is your old podcast audio doomed to obscurity?As you may know from listening to previous episodes...
27: The one hack to “must listen” podcast interviews
If you really want to be a top guest interviewer, this is all you need.Honestly.I've been doing...
26: Increasing the lifespan of your podcast episodes with social media
One of the things I HATE about podcasting is that my episodes might have a good run of...
25: Who listens to podcasts? Survey results you can use to determine your podcasting strategy!
Podcasts are THE new media of the masses... and it's only growing!That's my interpretation of the...
23: Show notes: Step 3 – Writing social media blurbs to promote your podcast (and how to craft a great title)
This is the 4th of 3 posts on "SHOW NOTES" - hear the previous entries here(Part 1, Part 2, Part...
22: Podcast Show notes – Step 2 to making them epic!
Quality show notes matter!Two episodes ago, I tried to convince you that you need to take the time...
21: Show notes: Step 1 to making them epic
There is a two-fold problem when it comes to writing truly epic show notesGood show...
20: Show notes: The top 4 reasons your podcast needs them
Creating quality show notes for a podcast episode takes time... is it worth it?I've heard all...
19: Better podcast audio from a bad room, 5 Tips to improve it NOW
A bad recording space can ruin your podcast audio.Yes, I said, "ruin" it.What makes a room a bad...
18: A little known shortcut for Libsyn and WordPress users that will save you time
Libsyn is one of the biggest names in podcast hosting. Wordpress is one of the biggest names in...
17: Recording Skype calls for podcast audio
**THIS EPISODE CONTENT IS OUTDATED**Skype is one of those applications that has changed the...
16: How to eliminate filler words in your podcast without editing
Um.... You know, like, those filler words.... uh... we all, like... use when we speak... are uh......
15: 2 Simple ways to get the best sound quality on guest interviews
Sound quality really, really, really matters for your podcast show.If you want to know how much I...
14: How to create call to action links for your podcast
It's frustrating when you're listening to a podcast while driving or jogging and the host mentions...
13: How to use and set explicit tags for your podcast and its episodes
The explicit tag for your podcast is a really big dealFree speech is a big deal in the...
12: Get featured in Apple’s podcasts app – maybe
The content on this page is outdated. Apple has a NEW approach to this topic that is shrouded in...
11: Batch recording your podcast – save time, record better
How to do batch recordings to stay organized and save timeThis episode is hands-on practical. If...
10: How to go about repurposing your old podcast episodes
You've created so many episodes of incredible content over the years:Guest interviewsTeaching...
9: More about Spotify podcasts and getting your show known, with Rob Walch of Libsyn
This episode's content is outdated. :(Subscribe to Podcastification Here!
8: Spotify podcasts… how can you get on board?
The content of this post is now outdated! See current status of getting your show onto Spotify...
7: Should you use a podcast script?
When I was 8 years old I didn't know anything about a "podcast script."I mean come on, podcasting...
6: My top 5 Interviewing tips for podcasters
Are you doing an interview podcast? Could you use some interviewing tips?You're in luck... 'cause...
5: A DIY Way To Get A Sponsor For Your Podcast
Get a sponsor for your podcast... go ahead, I dare you!As you probably know by now, getting a...
4: Configuring Blubrry PowerPress to Optimize Apple Podcasts Search
What about PowerPress?In my last post I told you all about optimizing the ID3 tags in your actual...
2: Why audio editing and professional sounding audio really, really, really matter.
Audio editing is a MUST for your podcastYou'd expect to hear this from a guy who edits podcast...
1: Introducting Podcastification: The best podcast education money can’t buy
The best podcast education money can't buy... what does THAT mean?It's my not-so-clever way of...