This is the 4th of 3 posts on “SHOW NOTES” – hear the previous entries here

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Our show notes creation also includes social media blurbs…

That’s what we call them anyway.

These are a combination of tweets and paragraphs, based on the episode content that we’ll use to drive traffic to that specific episode.

Do you get what we’re trying to accomplish here?

  • We’ve already produced a great audio episode
  • We’ve already written great SEO-optimized show notes

We’ve got to do MORE than just create it, publish it, and then let it languish in internet obscurity! We’ve got to promote the show!

We choose to do this for every one of our show notes clients WHILE we’re creating the show notes themselves because it’s the most natural time to do it.

And our SECRET SAUCE is that much of our show notes material can be REPURPOSED (one of our favorite words) into the social media shares.

So we’re not really creating new stuff for social media, just reusing and modifying the stuff we’ve just made when creating our show notes.

Do you follow?

Here’s an example of how we create our social media blurbs from our already existing show notes content:

This example is taken from the show notes we produced for one of our clients – Scott Voelker who does an Amazing show called “The Amazing Seller.”

Here’s a paragraph and header taken from the show notes we created for one of Scott’s episodes:


Steve Chou thinks it’s a must for every Amazon seller to eventually move beyond Amazon to set up their own ecommerce store. There are many reasons, but two of the greatest are #1 – the ability to create your own promotional content, and #2 – the ability to capture your customer information and follow up on them during and after the sale. He’s found that ability alone to be a significant source of conversions for his products. If you’ve been thinking about setting up your own ecommerce sales platform for sales outside of Amazon, don’t miss this episode.

To create a “social media blurb” for from this paragraph, it’s a bit of copy and paste and a dab of reformatting to include hashtags. Below is our finished “social media blurb.”

Why would an Amazon seller want to set up his own #EcommerceStore? Steve Chou thinks it’s a must for every #AmazonSeller to eventually move beyond #Amazon to set up their own #ecommerce store. There are many reasons, but two of the greatest are NUMBER 1 – the ability to create your own #PromotionalContent, and NUMBER 2 – the ability to capture your customer information and #FollowUp on them during and after the sale. He’s found that ability alone to be a significant source of #conversions for his products. If you’ve been thinking about setting up your own ecommerce #SalesPlatform for sales outside of Amazon, don’t miss this episode.

As you can see, we did a few basic things to make a social media post from our show notes paragraph:

  • We removed the heading formatting so we could include the heading as part of the “blurb.”
  • We inserted hashtags on appropriate keywords (this decision is made based on the keyword research we’ve done).
  • On two-word hashtags we CAPITIALIZED both words to make them more readable.

This step took no more than 2 minutes and we have a social media blurb that we can schedule out in Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn.

We provide 5 of these social media blurb thingies for each set of show notes.

Nothing could be simpler.

But wait… there’s more! We also create 5 Tweets from the show notes.

We don’t want the Tweet-O-Sphere to be left out, so we create Tweets as well. Since these are Tweets, there are some unique things we have to keep in mind:

  • They have to be below 140 characters in length.
  • They ideally should be less than 120 characters to easily allow for retweeting with comments.
  • They can and should include hashtags.

So… how do we pull this one off? Don’t forget our favorite word – REPURPOSE!

Using the same client episode as an example again, let’s take a look at the bullet point outline we created – check the show notes at


  • [0:05] Introduction of the topic & today’s guest Steve Chou
  • [1:07] Scott’s personal update and a meet-up with a TAS meetup group.
  • [3:14] Your invite to Scott’s live workshops –
  • [4:22] Who is Steve Chou and why he’s able to tell us about creating ecommerce stores.
  • [5:27] Steve’s story of creating an ecommerce store with a variety of products.
  • [7:00] Why Amazon sellers might want to consider an external channel (ecommerce store).
  • [8:15] The path to starting an ecommerce store – Steve’s story using PPC services, keyword research, and product research.
  • [10:40] What’s the first thing to do to establish an ecommerce store?
  • [11:00] How to build great content to draw people to the products.
  • [13:12] How Pinterest has become a marketplace.
  • [14:10] How Steve personalizes each of his products through his own site.
  • [15:56] What ads does Steve recommend for beginning ecommerce sites to drive traffic?
  • [17:03] How to create “sponsored” ads on Amazon that can drive traffic to your external website.
  • [20:29] How long does it take to set up a quality ecommerce store?
  • [21:25] Dos and Don’ts of setting up products on your own store.
  • [22:10] Is it possible to use Amazon to fulfill products sold on your private ecommerce store?
  • [23:48] What paid traffic options would Steve begin with?
  • [27:38] Steve’s process for getting product reviews on his private site.
  • [29:26] Which social platform is best for getting products into the public eye?
  • [30:56] Steve’s Pinterest strategy for promoting products.
  • [33:22] How Steve suggests finding a person to handle a Pinterest account for you.
  • [34:05] Why Steve thinks it’s important to have your own platform, independent of Amazon.
  • [35:00] The reason Steve began his blog –
  • [39:00] Scott’s recap of the conversation and his call to action.

Many of these are already ideally suited for Tweets because they are keyword-rich, short, and written to grab the reader’s attention.

They are EASILY repurposed into Tweets as a result.

Here’s our 5 tweets taken from these bullet points:

Why Amazon sellers might want to consider an #EcommerceStore

What’s the first step to establishing an #EcommerceStore?

Steve Chou’s strategy for #ProductPromotion on #Pinterest

What ads are best for #DrivingTraffic to #ecommerce sites?

Can you use #Amazon to fulfill products sold on your private #EcommerceStore?


Tweets created in less than 5 minutes from content we’ve already created.

And for our clients we include these on their show notes page with “clickable” links.

These could be scheduled out using Hootsuite, Buffer, or Edgar in another 5 minutes.

But there’s one more thing, and it’s something we leave until the very last in our show notes creation: The title

We INTENTIONALLY wait until the very end of our process to create our show notes title for a few reasons:

  1. Titles are incredibly important in drawing in the reader or listener. Write a bad title and people won’t engage with the post.
  2. By the time we’ve done all this work surrounding the topic, we’ve marinated in it long enough to write a good title.

So we write the title. Some of the things we include:

  • Keywords (toward the front of the title if possible).
  • Guest names (people will search for them)
  • Action or knowledge words – powerful, vital, keys, secrets, amazing, value, etc.

Rather than try to school you on how to write a good show notes headline or title, I’ll point you toward some outstanding resources:

You can Google any of those titles and find them easily. Or you can check out the show notes page to this episode for direct links –

CALL TO ACTION: What do YOU need to do to promote your podcast episodes on social media?

It’s clear that more people will find your podcast if you promote it than if you don’t.


What ACTIONS STEPS do you need to take?

  • Write your own social media blurbs?
  • Hire someone to do it? (my team is available for a select number of clients)

Let me know if my team can be of help to you… and THANKS FOR LISTENING!

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Podcast Fast Track - Audio Editing, Podcast Show Notes, Video Editing, and other Podcast Production Services