Can you see the opportunities that exist in your niche?If so, you’ll gain further insight from listening to this episode. If not, you’ll REALLY benefit from listening.Andrew Allemann seems to have a knack for noticing the opportunities, taking action on...
Podcasting success comes in all shapes and sizes… and in any niche area you can think of.This episode is a case-study of sorts and focuses on a very specific niche podcast and the impact its had on it’s creator — Mark Goldman.Mark is an accountant, and a...
It’s not every day you get to have a “Podcast Hall of Fame” inductee on your podcast. But it’s fun when it happens! In this case, it’s because Dave Jackson is such a fun guy.He’s known as “The Podcast Coach” and has...
Get Into Jeremy’s Podcast Marketing Course ASAP before it fills up! (Affiliate link)No doubt, marketing and promotion of your podcast, with a goal toward growing your audience with the RIGHT listeners, is a very difficult task. I know because I get questions...
Podcast monetization may be in your future. Even if you have a relatively small show. Really.How it is possible? By using a friction-free platform that enables you to simply produce bonus content that is available to paid-members-only.Sound like a pipe dream? It’s...
Watering My Wife’s PlantsShe asked me to SATURATE some of them… what does that mean? It means entirely soak them… cover them… overwhelm them with water!This episode is about THAT, for your podcast. Here are some of the best ways to do...
Before we get into STEP 4 can I remind you that these steps will do no good unless you dedicate yourself to applying them?You are doing that, right? If not – are you planning a way to make it happen in the near future? Nothing could impact the long-term success... hope you’re putting these steps into action…I know you’re busy. I know you have other commitments.If that’s the case, file this away and get back to it. But this stuff is important for the longevity and... offer for this episode: CAPTIVATEOK, you’re working that “awareness” piece from the last installment, right? Be sure you go back and start there if you’re not.It’s time for STEP TWO of my... OFFER MENTIONED: CAPTIVATE – get your free trial!If your podcast is going to be top in its niche, people have to know about it. Obvious, but true. And you don’t accomplish it by posting 10 Facebook posts per day saying,...
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