If I were to insist to you that you are your best PR manager, you would probably think I’m crazy. Why? Because you don’t know anything about PR.

But my guest today, Josh Elledge says that anyone can be their own best PR manager if they are willing to put in the effort that it takes to do PR the right way and expand their brand through the exposure that comes from promotions to, and through traditional media.

This episode is a gold mine for those who know how to work and are willing to do it for the sake of their podcast and brand. I think you’re going to love me for giving you this conversation.

But I forgot – you love me already, don’t you?


Be Your Own PR Manager: Here are the Main Points

  • [2:35] Why I invited Josh on the show – his unique path to being a PR Manager
  • [3:35] Why Josh feels a moral imperative to help brands with PR
  • [7:38] How you can pitch yourself to traditional media as an independent podcaster
  • [13:05] What should podcasters include in their media kit to lend authority to their brand?
  • [17:15] The difference between a press kit and a media kit – and why it matters
  • [19:20] The best way to make your pitch to any media outlet – and it works every time
  • [26:08] Why would a podcaster want to take the PR route to get more exposure?
  • [28:58] Where do we start in determining what media outlets to target?
  • [32:01] How can a person with multiple “personas” or areas of specialization build their brands with equal power?
  • [34:32] How Josh turns digital entrepreneurs into digital celebrities – and how you can get his $1200 course for free

Exposure is everything, so if you get enough exposure from your PR management, everything else is going to be alright.~ Josh Elledge

Most of us who have been podcasting for any length of time understand the importance of exposure. I’m talking about the magic that happens when your name or brand becomes synonymous with the service or products that you provide.

THAT is right next door to celebrity status, and Josh Elledge says that’s exactly what he does for people like you and me.

Public relations is all about that kind of exposure. Josh Elledge is a self-taught and incredibly successful PR manager who teaches digital entrepreneurs how to become media celebrities. And in his words, he has a moral imperative to do exactly that.

Honestly, I’m quite astounded at Josh’s willingness to share what he knows with peons like us.

He’s got years of experience doing exactly what he teaches and is willing to put that experience to work for you through giving you an incredibly generous gift. If you want to know what it is – hint: it a $1200 value – you will have to listen to this episode of the podcast.

It’s relatively easy to get exposure on traditional media outlets. But you’ve got to be willing to do what it takes. Learn how to crank up your PR machine, from Josh Elledge

There are lots of hyped-up statements on the internet these days so it’s hard to know what you can really believe. But after talking with Josh Elledge on this episode, I came to believe that what he says about being able to successfully manage your own PR is absolutely true.

What is it he says? THIS: It’s relatively easy to get yourself and your brand exposure on the small-scale media outlets around you. That means your local newspaper, local television, and other similar media outlets. And here’s the thing you really need to know – those opportunities are the stepping stones that take you to bigger and better things, like regional and national media exposure.

But there is a catch, you have got to be willing to do the hard work required to get those kinds of results. In this conversation, Josh shares exactly what you need to do to accomplish those things, including how to develop your own Media Kit, how a Press Kit can help you, and exactly how to reach out to and pitch the media outlets you want to be featured on.

It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. Don’t miss this episode. If you are not allergic to hard work this could be the answer to finding and reaching the niche audience you’ve been after.

Where do you start when deciding what media outlets to make your PR pitch to? Figure out who brings the money into your business

If you take the time to walk through the exercises that Josh Elledge shares on this episode of Podcastification, you are going to have all the tools you need to make an effective public relations pitch to the media outlets that can help you reach your target audience.

But how do you decide which media outlets you should target?

I asked Josh that exact question and he came back with the perfect answer: First look at where the money in your business comes from. Then, consider which media outlets are most likely to reach that target audience. That’s the way you will be able to determine which of them you should focus on first.

It makes perfect sense, but it’s not something I would have thought of on my own. Josh is a very generous guy and I hope you will take the time to learn from him, apply what he teaches you, and watch your podcast audience and potential sponsorship opportunities explode.

How can a person with multiple “personas” or areas of specialization build multiple brands with equal effectiveness?

One of the things I was very curious about when talking with Josh Elledge is the fact that he has two businesses and both operate with the same level of effectiveness. How does a person manage the PR and exposure of two very different brands and keep themselves from seeming disjointed and unfocused to those two different audiences?

Josh admitted that it’s not an easy balancing act but that it can be done. In this episode, he reveals how he goes about keeping his two brands distinct and also keeps himself on track with each of them in ways that keep his PR machine rolling along smoothly.

You’re going to get so much out of this episode – so take notes and begin taking action on the things that Josh shares.

Connect with Today’s guest

Josh Elledge is on a mission to help entrepreneurs attract their perfect audience! He is Founder and Chief Executive Angel of ®, and has emerged as one of the nation’s leading experts on consumer savings. has become a major operation employing up to 50 employees and grossing more than $5 million in sales over the past eight years with less than $500 spent in advertising. Hint: It’s all PR.

Josh has shared his successful couponing and savings expertise with millions of families, both online and in person as a dynamic public speaker, as a weekly syndicated columnist for nine newspapers (with total readership above 1.1 million readers), and on a number of radio stations, and regularly appears on more than 75 TV stations across the country.

All told, Josh has appeared on TV or radio more than 2000 times.

Josh is also a podcaster. That should give you special respect for this guy – he knows just what you’re going through as a podcaster.

His show, The SavingsAngel Show is the number one consumer shopping and savings lifestyle podcast on the planet. Josh shares life hacks, deals, and researched strategies for earning and saving more money.

But that’s not the point of him being on Podcastification today – through the years, Josh has consulted hundreds of successful entrepreneurs – assisting them in creating the same sort of success he’s earned. That consulting eventually led to the creation of – which is designed to inspire and provide a road map for entrepreneurs who want to dramatically increase their own sales by attracting the perfect audiences without the typical expense associated with a PR firm.

upendPR is a software as a service / membership-based website providing step-by-step video coaching, live training, direct access to over 1 million media contacts, media monitoring for ongoing story-ideas, agency-level journalist inquiry monitoring, ongoing pitch creation, and impactful consulting for entrepreneurs and startups seeking to exponentially increase sales & traffic.


John Livesay – podcast: The Pitch Whisperer


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