What about PowerPress?
In my last post I told you all about optimizing the ID3 tags in your actual mp3 files to benefit you in iTunes search.
UPDATE: Much of this post uses old terminology – just translate it in your head > “iTunes = Apple Podcasts”
But if you’re using a WordPress site and are also using PowerPress from Blubrry, there are all kinds of options in your PowerPress plugin settings that iTunes can and will pull. Make sure you fill those out well.
Setting up your powerpress settings right can help you get found in iTunes search
Here’s my take on it…
- FEEDS TAB – make sure the “Feed Title” and “Feed Description” are filled out with additional keywords. Here’s an example of what mine looks like (http://goo.gl/lzjRMl). You should also make sure your “rating” is set to the appropriate level (G, PG, etc.)
- ITUNES TAB – This is the most important page for metadata. Make sure you get these things right. Here’s what I suggest…
iTunes Subscription URL – This is the URL that you are given by iTunes. It’s something like https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/name-of-your-great-podcast/idXXXXXXXXX. If you have lost your subscription URL, go into iTunes and search the store for your show. Once you find it, click the “view in iTunes” button. Once your program opens and your show comes up, right-click over your cover art (for Windows users) and choose “Copy URL”. Paste the URL into this field and remove the “?mt=2″ at the very end.
iTunes Program Subtitle – This is your Tag line or mission statement for the show. This is another good place to insert some keyword rich description. But again, be sensible about it.
iTunes Program Summary – Give a punchy, powerful, keyword-rich summary, but don’t get spammy about it. Make sure it fits your podcast and the keywords are used in full sentences.
iTunes Episode Summary – Leave “Optimize iTunes Summary from Blog Posts” unchecked.
iTunes Program Keywords – You can only insert 12 keywords separated by commas. Choose wisely. You can always come back and switch them out if you decide to.
iTunes Category – This is the genre of your show. Make sure you pick the best appropriate category for your show. Do Not choose “podcasting” or “podcast.” That’s for shows that are about podcasting.
iTunes Category 2 – Secondary category that fits your show.
iTunes Category 3 – Yet another category. Make sure you fill in all three categories.
iTunes Explicit – Choose “Yes” if you use cursing or speak about sexually explicit or violent topics in your episodes. If you don’t use the “Clean” tag.
iTunes Talent Name – This is you. Your name (or whoever is the “talent” on the show).
iTunes Email – The email address where iTunes can reach you if needed.
iTunes New Feed URL – If you ever change your RSS feed, you’ll use this.
Apple Podcasts Image – As it says, this is your cover art and should be 1400 X 1400 pixels. Insert the URL where Apple can find your cover art.
Apple Podcasts Episode Image – this is if you have episode specific images you are wanting to use.
RSS2 Image – again use your album art but make it a 300 x 300px image. You can use a larger size but it will be too large for most podcast players. Not a good end-user experience.
That’s a lot of stuff! Does it really help in iTunes Apple Podcasts Search?
Imagine “Peter Podcast Listener” is looking for something new to listen to.
- He goes to Apple or Stitcher.
- He searches for a subject he’s interested in (basket weaving).
- One of your episodes is a conversation with a world-renowned basket weaver and you tagged that file with the keyword “basket weaving”.
Guess what? Your episode will be one of the top results Peter Podcast Listener finds in iTunes Apple Podcasts.
This stuff works to get your podcast found in Apple Podcasts iTunes. Really, it does.
But it IS a lot of time and extra steps… which is why I provide it as an additional service in ALL my podcast production packages.
I not only want your show to sound good, I want it to be found and listened to!
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