Podcast Hosting is one of the basic things you need to get in place if you’re going to start a podcast.

And there’s lots of great services out there.

Today’s episode is focused on a relative newcomer to the growing list of podcast hosting solutions out there, ShoutEngine

Chris Hayes, one of the founders of Shout Engine says that he got started building their media hosting platform because he was a bit… uhhhh… miffed about the way stats were counted in traditional platforms.

What has resulted is a VERY accurate accounting of downloads and listens for each ShoutEngine hosted episode, an amazingly strong SEO optimization that often gets Shout Engine hosted episodes ranked very, very high in Google and other engines, AND a hosting platform that is very simple, easy to use, and FREE up to a pretty substantial level.

They’ll also give you a basic but modern-looking webpage that you can use for your podcast website.

And if you move into a paid account, you won’t pay for your hosting space, only bandwidth.

It’s a pretty intriguing idea and you’ll enjoy hearing how Shout Engine works. You just might want to try out one of their free accounts to take it for a spin (I think I’ll be doing that soon).

I think this is a great option for anyone, but especially for those who are not sure if podcasting is something they want to really invest in.

ShoutEngine’s free account option would allow you to try it out on a substantial level to see if podcasting is something you want to stick with over the long haul.

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