How to do batch recordings to stay organized and save time

This episode is hands-on practical. If you apply the information you find in this episode, you’ll find yourself having more time to do other things.

So… enough is enough

Here’s my tips for doing batch recordings effectively

12 steps to effective batch recording

  • Refresh your mindset about your podcast. Before you start any of this work, remind YOURSELF why you are doing the podcast in the first place. What is it you are trying to accomplish – for your listeners and your business? You need to be in that mode when you record.
  • Scheduling matters a lot. Examine your weekly schedule and block out the time to do the number of episodes you desire to do each time. Set it at a realistic time during the week, and make it non-negotiable. Make sure you schedule enough time to record and edit (I’ll explain why you should do both a bit later)
  • Outline each episode. Your style is relaxed enough, you don’t need a script. But an outline will give you the peace of mind to know you’re not going to miss important things. Insert your ratings/reviews, announcements, etc.
  • Think ahead as you write the outline. When will the episode you’re outlining actually publish? Is there anything date-specific you’ll want to mention on that episode? What about show notes links? Do they need to be mentioned? Have you set those up so that you have the specific links to mention? Do you have all your resources available (stats, listener recordings, links you want to mention)? You get the idea.
  • Save your outline as a template. You know about templates. It’s an incredible time-saver for batch recording. That way you don’t have to re-write our re-outline your intro/outro, or things that are the same most of the time.
  • Let others in the house/building know you’ll be recording. Obviously, you want as few inturruptions and outside noises as possible.
  • Do some push-ups before you start batching. Sit-ups, jumping-jacks, whatever. I’ve found the adrenaline helps me get into an excited, “ready” mode that makes for great recordings.

#PODCASTING TIP: Do some push-ups before you start your recordings. Find out why?

  • Before you record, pause and get your mind right. Once you get started, you’ll get into a flow. But between episodes take a second to pause, take a deep breath, look over your outline for the upcoming recording, and get your mind centered on that content.
  • Pause when needed as you record. There’s no reason you have to get everything right in one take. Pause if you need to in order to collect your thoughts (without pressing the pause or stop button on your recorder). The blank space you see visually will enable you do the editing of that gap very easily. If you’re having someone do your editing, the same will apply.
  • Stop and say it again. Along the lines of the previous point, if you don’t like the way you said something – pause, clap your hands near the mic (leaves a big visual spike on the wav form to show you the obvious editing point) and restate it the way you want it. Again, with the ability to edit, you don’t have to get it right the first time.

#podcasting tip: Clap your hands near the mic to create a visual edit point. More in this episode

  • Do your editing as part of your batching. With the content for the episodes fresh on your mind, you’ll do better edits. So do them right away. If you pass on the editing to someone like me 🙂 this won’t apply. That’s why in the first point I said you should set aside enough time to record and edit.
  • Set the date for your next batch recording session. Batching your recordings causes you to feel a HUGE relief about the coming weeks. That’s the point. BUT, people often let that feeling cause them to miss or delay their next batch recording session. Once you’re done recording, set the next batch session on your calendar. Set reminders. Don’t let it slide. Don’t let yourself delay it. If you do, you’ll lose the benefits of batching.

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