If you haven’t noticed there are LOTS of podcast editing services popping up these days. And no wonder – there are more than 1000 new podcasts being added to iTunes every day! But the reality of more services popping up often brings up the question of whether you really should be doing audio editing at all on your podcast. It’s not a simple issue, but I’m going to tackle it – from my perspective as a podcast editor and show notes creator – on this episode of Podcastification.
Should you hire someone to edit your podcast? It really comes down to the time VS money issue for most podcasters.
It’s hard to really KNOW if it’s worth the money to have your podcast audio edited every week. After all, it can wind up being a sizeable amount if you’re not careful – or if you get the wrong company or freelancer working on your show. Keep in mind, it’s not just the quality of audio you want to be concerned about – you also need to be conscious of the amount of time you’re having to invest in communication, back and forth file exchanges, etc. Ideally, a podcast editing service should be set up in a “set it and forget it” sort of way so that when you are paying for someone else to do your editing – you’re not having to do ANYTHING from the time you hit the “stop” button on your recording software and upload the file to Dropbox. On this episode, I’m going to give you the formula I use to easily figure out if it’s worth the money to hire a podcast editing service or not. The numbers don’t lie.
And what about hiring someone from the Philippines or India to do your audio editing? Isn’t that cheaper?
Uh… yes. Cheaper in many ways in most cases. Ways you won’t want to experience. Without getting into the details that I cover in this episode, I’ll just say this: Savings in dollars is not the only consideration. You want to be assured that the quality, dependability, and EASE OF COMMUNICATION between you and your audio editing service is of just as high of an importance as the money you save. So… with that said, you should take the time to listen to this episode. It’s under 10 minutes, so I KNOW you’ve got the time. 🙂
If you are going to resist the urge to hire a podcast editing service or company, here are some resources to help you do a better job on your own edits.
Not everyone is ready – either financially or emotionally – to outsource something as important as their podcast audio editing. Knowing that I’ve provided a couple of great resources to help you learn how to edit better so that you can keep doing it yourself with a heightened degree of quality. I cover Audacity, Adobe Audition, Logic Pro, and even Hindenburg. So if you want to do your audio editing yourself – you need to hear about these resources.
Outline of this episode
- [1:18] How much editing should you do on your podcast? 3 editing philosophies.
- [3:30] The time VS value issue.
- [4:53] Should you do your editing yourself or hire a podcast editing service?
- [6:13] What can you expect to pay for good podcast editing?
- [7:17] Can you find someone from other countries to do your editing cheaper?
- [9:28] How you can get 15% off your first month our editing service for your podcast.
- www.AudacityForPodcasting.com
- Adobe Course for $15 on Udemy
- Logic Pro Course for $15 on Udemy
- Hindenburg Tutorial Videos for Free
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