OK, it’s July of 2017 and the powers that be over at Apple have announced that the next version of their software (IOS 11) will introduce a few updated iTunes tags. You may not even know what a “tag” is. 🙂 That’s OK – that’s why I’m publishing this episode....
Talk about a TERRIBLE PODCAST EPISODE – episode 70 of this podcast was it…. And it had NOTHING to do with my guest, Dave Jackson. Dave was incredible (as always). It had to do with the EPIC FAIL I did on the edits for that episode. You may not be aware of the...
Are you podcasting as a content marketing move? You know, trying to become the trusted resource in your niche that your listeners turn to for help and advice? I think that’s a good plan. A VERY good plan. But I don’t see a lot of podcasters actually pulling it off...
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